Thursday, February 24, 2011

Depression Is Out There

Jared Benjamin High

Summary of article
The jared case is one that happens to many children and teens all around the world. Jared is one of the victims who was bullied at school but had shown non of the pain when at home with his parents. He was born on the 23 of September 1985. Sadly, he decided to end his life at the age of 18 on the 29th of September 1998. His favorite cake was named Worm cake, it was named by his mother. It was one of her happy memories with her son.

Global Meaning
Bullying is an absolute shocking state of affairs to start doing to someone else. People will bully to make them selves feel good while making the other person collapse in side their sole. Bullying leads to depression and in often cases suicide just like Jared's case. Its extremely depressing to hear or read about suicide cases that could have been fixed just by a couple of conversations. Most of the time the bullies are not caught by officials, but inside their thick and arrogant skin they feel like dropping through such an evil thing that they have done.

Personal Meaning
Bullying is something that is not new to me. Many people do not believe me when i tell them that i was bullied when i was in 4th grade. That was my last year in MKIS due to my hate of school and a depression that i went through. When i read or learn about depression, i feel dark inside of me since i remember things that i went through. I was one of the lucky ones who could have escaped it before it got worst. As a matter a fact, i am depressed in some parts of the day. This article makes me remember the past therefore adding layers onto a depression i use to have and maybe I still have, but maybe I just don't notice it. This article doesn't make me improve but instead makes me feel depressed and feel as bad as i felt back in my depressing days.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on this review Kevin. I am sad to hear that so many people have had a personal experience with bullying. 15/15
