Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week Days

Weekend Days

Weekday Charts:
My chart for week days had said that i eat fat food but personally i don't believe that my food is fat. That must be because of my lack of interest in watching out for fat. The negative side of this is that i will do badly later on in life with heart problems. My second largest amount is proteins which is a big bonus since i will get my needed substances for sure for my growing hormones. I guess that i have a high protein amount since i love fruits and vegetables. The problem is that i eat to much of it sometimes. Considering the fact that to much is better then to little. My total vitamins are either to much or lacking, for example vitamin D. I am currently lacking in that but that is because the machine does not know how long i am in the sun for.

Weekend Charts:
My chart for the weekend is a quit bad compared to my weekday chart as it shows a huge amount of carbs and very little fats and protein. I also lack in my vitamins although i have a very large amount of Vitamin C and Vitamin B-12, B-6. This is very bad as well. I hope to improve on that and also improve on my fiber. I also have a very weak amount of calcium which surprises me since i eat things that have a lot of calcium in it. Hopefully by some time i will get my daily foods sorted out so that i feel better.

Eating allowance and Conclusion:
I dont have an eating allowance which means that i can basically eat anything i want, but it is watched by my parents but i have no clue why my statistics are very shocking as i feel very energetic throughout the day and feel good and full most of the time, i never have a lack of fat but instead these charts tell me that i eat to little, i am very confused but should also take these notes under consideration. My next goal is to for fill my food intake issues.

1 comment:

  1. I asked for 7 paragraphs. One for every graph (6) and one for a comparison. As for your assignments I am not sure I understand your analysis. One day your fat intake is 18% and the next day its 41% on average right around 30%. That is about right.

    PH&A - 16/20
    A$P - 17/20
